About This Case

Call Transcript

Signed Retainer / Fee Agreement
Type of Accident Car Accident
Contingency fee Custom
Date of incident Oct. 26, 2023
Accident Location Pensacola, Florida
Currently represented by attorney? No
Was The Client At Fault? No

Injuries Overview

All injuries/treatments with a blue checkmark have been verified via electronic medical records using settLIT.

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Summary Of Case Details

Accident Summary

  • On the night of the accident, the Plaintiff was walking home in Pensacola, Florida. She was approximately four football fields away from her house when the incident occurred. The Plaintiff was walking on a road with speed bumps, which would have made any approaching vehicle's lights visible as they went up and down over the bumps. However, the Plaintiff did not see any lights, indicating that the vehicle that struck her did not have its lights on.
  • As the Plaintiff was walking, she was suddenly struck on the right-hand side of her body by a vehicle. The impact was severe enough to cause her to lose consciousness. When she regained consciousness, she found herself facing the opposite direction from where she had been walking, indicating the force of the collision had thrown her body around.


Injuries Summary

  • The Plaintiff's most severe injury was to her right ankle. She sustained a complex fracture, breaking her ankle in three different places. Additionally, she tore a ligament in her leg. The extent of the damage to her ankle was so severe that the doctors wanted to perform emergency surgery as soon as she arrived at the emergency room that night.
  • The Plaintiff's ankle injury required extensive stitching. She described having "about a foot of stitch marking" on the outside of her ankle and "about maybe two and a half inches worth of stitch marking" on the inside. The Plaintiff emphasized that the stitching was not typical, suggesting a more complex surgical intervention was necessary to repair the damage.


Further Damages Caused To Plaintiff By Accident

  • Inability to walk or perform daily tasks: The Plaintiff's injuries had a significant impact on her daily life. She stated, "for a month and a half i couldn't walk i couldn't shower." This indicates that she was unable to perform basic self-care tasks and was likely dependent on others for assistance during this time.
  • Ongoing pain and mobility issues: The Plaintiff mentioned that she had pre-existing back issues, having previously fractured her L5 vertebra. The accident has put additional strain on her mobility, as she experiences pain in her ankle and legs, particularly when the weather is cold or wet. She described the pain as shooting up her legs, suggesting that the injury has had a lasting impact on her overall mobility and comfort.
  • Emotional distress: The Plaintiff expressed the emotional impact of her injuries, stating, "I'm reminded every day when i look at it." The unique appearance of her stitching serves as a constant reminder of the trauma she experienced. She also mentioned that she still doesn't know the reason behind the specific type of stitching, which adds to her emotional distress.

Other Relevant Details

  • The Plaintiff is a pedestrian and does not have a driver's license.
  • The accident occurred in Pensacola, Florida.
  • The Plaintiff's husband was not present at the time of the accident but was called for help by the Plaintiff after she regained consciousness.
  • Neighbors came outside after hearing the Plaintiff's screams and called for an ambulance.
  • Two EMTs arrived at the scene, with one checking on the Plaintiff's condition and the other standing by.
  • The Plaintiff was taken to the hospital, where x-rays were performed, and doctors wanted to rush her into surgery immediately.

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Pedestrian Accident: Hit By Vehicle At Night, Driver At Fault. Suffered Broken Ankle In Three Places, Torn Ligament. Unable To Walk For 1.5 Months. Still Experiencing Shooting Leg Pains Impacting Mobility (Pensacola, Florida)

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Frequently Asked Question

At a high level, the plaintiff signs a non-binding LOI with us showing their intent to be connected with an attorney for their case, then after you buy the case, we call them back and have them sign your specific retainer agreement.

Here's how the process in a bit more detail:

First, the plaintiff signs a Letter of Intent (LOI) with us, expressing their interest in being connected with an attorney for their case.

We clearly state in the LOI that it's not a binding agreement and that we are not a law firm or providing legal advice. The LOI simply serves as a way for the plaintiff to indicate their desire to be matched with a lawyer.

Once the LOI is signed, we put together a comprehensive package containing all the relevant details of the case, including the transcript, accident information, injuries sustained, insurance details, and more. This package is then made available to attorneys like yourself.

If you find a case that interests you and decide to buy it, we'll have the plaintiff sign your specific retainer agreement. After that, we'll introduce you to the plaintiff, and you can begin working on their case.

In the unlikely event that the plaintiff decides not to move forward with your firm or becomes unresponsive and we're unable to reach them to sign, we'll either provide you with a full refund or find a suitable replacement case (however this is extremely rare).
After you win a case we’ll introduce the plaintiff to you over email and text. We tell all our plaintiffs that their attorney will be reaching out to them within 24-48 business hours

Once we introduce you to the plaintiff, you can follow your normal onboarding process for onboarding a new client for a personal injury case.

After you’ve been introduced, we’ll confirm with the plaintiff that they are happy with you being the attorney to represent them in this case, then you’ll sign the addendum that clarifies you are the firm that will be representing the plaintiff. At that point, the client is fully yours and the handoff is complete.
If in the rare case a plaintiff we introduce to you rejects your firm and does not want you to be their counsel, then we will refund you the full amount and introduce the plaintiff to the 2nd highest bidder.

Otherwise, since you get access to the full case details, call transcript, and signed agreements before bidding, all transactions are final.
We generate some of these cases from strategic partnerships in the industry and some are generated via SEO, ads, etc. by our team of world class advertisers, marketers, and intake agents.

But regardless of where this case comes from, we make sure to be in control and aware of the entire process from optin to signed retainer. This allows us to ensure that this retainer was generated in a fully compliant manner and has the correct expectations set.